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How to be Successful on Youtube in 2023. Part: - 2

Please Read Part: - How to be Successful on Youtube in 2023 Part:- 1

Regarding Channel Names:
If you haven’t yet decided on a name for your channel, you’ll want to consider this very carefully. Your name represents your brand, your business and tells potential subscribers what to expect from your channel.

This means you don’t want to choose something generic or vague that people won’t instantly associate to a topic. 


While there are countless examples of successful Vloggers who created a channel in their personal name, it’s often much easier to launch a channel and connect to your target audience if you choose a channel name that represents the type of content you’ll be offering. In other words, your theme.

This means that you first need to ensure that you understand your market and what kind of content they’d be interested in. 

Creating a successful YouTube channel requires a strong focus on specific content formats.  Creating a random channel that tries to be all things to everyone will make it hard, if not impossible, to build a recognized brand and to stand out.

Instead, you want your content to be geared towards one main niche.  At least when you’re just starting out.

Again, while you aren’t restricted to creating content in just one niche, by deciding to focus the initial phase of your channel on one segment of your market, you’ll be able to launch faster, grow a following easier and solidify your brand.

Plus, it’ll be easier to create a content plan and schedule if you take a laser-focused approach to launching your channel.

Tip: You also want to make sure that the name you choose has an available domain, or closely related one. You’ll want to register that domain in advance, before you even launch your channel.

Acquiring the domain as well as the username on all popular social media platforms will help you protect your business because it puts you in full control of your brand.  Plus, it’s a great place to sell merch later on!

Step 2: Creating a Keyword Strategy

Keywords help people find your channel.  They serve as signals in the major search engines that will connect your audience to the content they’re looking for.

In fact, just by optimizing your channel so it includes relevant and highly-targeted keywords may be all you need to do to drive in traffic, especially if your content caters to a hungry market.

This means, you’ll want to add relevant keywords in the “About Section” of your channel.

Doing this will help you rank organically in the search engines and make sure your channel appears when someone enters search terms directly into the YouTube search bar.

You’ll find the About Section here:

Try to come up with 10-15 relevant, long-tail keywords that best describe your content.

You can use them throughout the different areas of your channel as well as within the description of each video.

You’ll also want to optimize your video descriptions so that they are focused on both your audience and search engines. This means that instead of writing a long description for each video, focus on including your primary keywords early in the text but make sure they read smoothly.

You don’t want to keyword stuff to where a subscriber reads your description and it doesn’t make any sense to them. 

Your most important keywords should always appear in the first line of your description otherwise it’ll be truncated with a “Show More” link, but again, make sure your description isn’t just a series of keywords – it needs to provide your audience with important information about your content.

In addition, you’ll want to include relevant keywords in your video titles as well, especially your focus keyword (the main keyword you’re hoping to rank for). 

Keep your video titles short and focused on engagement. You want them to be exciting and to immediately capture attention.

Always take advantage of any opportunity to include keywords in your content. In addition, vary the keywords used so that you’re able to rank for a variety of long-tail keyword phrases.

Here are a few ways to leverage free YouTube keyword tools:

There’s a free version of this keyword tool that will allow you to search by country while providing important data, such as potential search volume.

This tool will provide search volume, overall competition and other information that will help you optimize your channel such as the number of times keywords appear in the anchor and title of popular YouTube channels.

This tool makes it easy to uncover relevant, high-traffic keywords while being able to reverse-engineer popular channels in your niche.

And finally, you’ll want to create a secondary keyword list that focuses on tags.

Tags function the exact same way keywords do and so they’ll become a very important part of your channel. 

Unfortunately, tags aren’t displayed by default in video descriptions so you won’t be able to uncover them just by browsing popular videos in your niche. However, there are a handful of free tools that will solve this problem.

These include:


Tags for YouTube:

Once you install these Chrome plugins, whenever you visit a YouTube channel and look through the description, you’ll be able to see what tags are being used by the creator.  This spy tactic is invaluable because it’ll show you exactly what others are using successfully. 

And while tags aren’t the only way to optimize your videos and overall channel, they’re important when it comes to signaling to YouTube search and Google what your video is about. 

Tags will also help your videos populate in search as well as in related video views.

Step 3: Branding Mastery

We’ve discussed the importance of choosing a theme for your channel but now it’s time to connect that theme to your brand.

Branded videos always outperform unbranded videos and there’s good reason for it:  People begin to recognize your content just because your brand is prominent and memorable. They’ll share your content with others (if it’s entertaining), and in turn, your brand will gain even more exposure.

This includes creating stand-out channel artwork.  Consider hiring a professional designer to create a logo, banner and thumbnail templates that you can repurpose. 

You’ll find qualified designers on websites like and

What you’re looking to do is highlight your brand in every way possible. You should choose one main color scheme or design style and stick to it.  Always look for ways to include your logo or another brand-identifying element into your videos and other content.  The more often people see it, the faster they’ll begin to recognize it.

If you have a great tagline, you should include that on your artwork. If you produce a lot of videos (a new video every week, or every other day, for example), then include that in your channel banner so that people know what to expect.

Remember that YouTube can be viewed on many devices, from a smart phone to a television. On a larger television screen, the channel art will appear in the background, behind your content. On a desktop or mobile device, the channel artwork appears as a banner across the top of the content.

so create your channel artwork from scratch if you’re on a tight budget using a free image creator like Canva. This free tool includes ready-to-go YouTube templates that you can quickly and easily customize for your channel.


Important Note: As you design your channel artwork, keep in mind that “safe area” in the center of the template. That’s the area that will be displayed on nearly every device. You want to keep your text and graphics within that area.

Make sure any important information like your website URL, taglines, and images are inside of this space so they’ll show up on the device and not be cut off or covered up.

Another thing to think about is your linking text. YouTube lets you display links to your channel – they show up in the bottom right corner, on top of your channel artwork. Make sure you don’t have text, logos, or important images in that area of your artwork.

Pro Tip: You could also create a hat, mug or t-shirt with your channel logo and include it in every video. The more you can highlight your brand throughout your content, the better.

Then later, as your channel grows in popularity, you’ll be able to sell these items to your subscribers who want to support your business.

It’s easy to create a custom merch at places like: or