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Features and Advantages of Python Programming You Must Know.

Features of Python Programming: -

1: - Easy to Learn and Implement.

2: - Open Sources (Free to Download).

3: - Brand Standard Library (Library is Available to Work in Almost All Fields) Ex. Web Application_Zang.

4: - Cross Platform (Can Be Used in Any Operating System) Ex. Windows, Linux, MacOs etc.

5: - Work on Interpreter Logic (The Python interpreter initializes its runtime engine called PVM which is the Python virtual machine. The interpreter loads the machine language with the library modules and
inputs it into the PVM. This converts the byte code into executable code such as 0s and 1s binary).

6: - Multi Paradigm Language (You can Use it in Object Oriented Structural and Simple Way).

7: - high Level Programming (Python is an object-oriented, high-level programming language. Object-oriented means this language is based around objects (such as data) rather than functions, and high-level means it's easy for humans to understand).

8: - Extendable Languages (You Can Run It by Combining It with Other Language).

9: - Expressive Programming Languages Ex. Print (“Hello”)
(Means Clear is getting to know that printing hello means expressing).

10: - GUI Support System (There are many graphical user interface (GUI) toolkits that you can use with the Python programming language. The big three are Tkinter, wxPython, and PyQt. Each of these toolkits will work with Windows, macOS, and Linux, with PyQt having the additional
capability of working on mobile.)

11 Easy to Code (Python is a high-level programming language. Python
is very easy to learn the language as compared to other languages like
C, C#, Javascript, Java, etc. It is very easy to code in the Python
language and anybody can learn Python basics in a few hours or days.
It is also a developer-friendly language.)

12: - Dynamic Memory Location In Python, the variable data type does
not need to be specified. The memory is automatically allocated
to a variable at runtime when it is given a value. Developers do not need
to write int y = 18 if the integer value 15 is set to y. You may just type

Advantages of Python Programming: -

1. Large developer community

Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world.,
48% of respondents said they work with Python. When other respondents were
asked which technology they had a desire to learn, Python ranked first as the
most wanted technology among developers.

Python’s large open-source community means Pythonistas can enjoy 
strong peer support and helpful documentation. If you ever run
into a roadblock, you can always check out Python forums or meetups to
get help from other Python developers. This community support can be
especially helpful if Python is your first programming language.

2. Extensive libraries

Python offers a wide range of libraries that can be used across various
applications. Libraries are collections of resources that help us streamline
application development. Instead of writing every piece of code from
scratch, we can use libraries, which contain many pre-written functions
and classes.

  • Numpy and SciPy: For scientific computing, with a wide range of
functions, algorithms, and optimizations,
  • including linear algebra and statistics
  • Keras, Seaborn Tensor Flow, and SciKit-Learn: For machine learning,
artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and neural networks
  • Scrappy: For data science, allows you to make an effective web
crawler and data scraper
  • Pandas: For data analysis, including data cleaning and manipulating both
  • Matplotlib and Plotly For data visualization and plotting graph.

relational and labeled data

3. Write less, do more

Python has very concise syntax. This is noticeably true even when
compared to other high-level programming languages, such as Java. By
comparing the “Hello World” program in Python to Java, we can see that 
Python’s syntax is much more concise.

Python’s simple syntax, combined with its large set of libraries, help us
do more with less lines of code. This saves a lot of development time, and
is one of the reasons for Python’s popularity.

4. Portability

Portability is another one of Python’s strengths. Portability refers to an
application’s ability to run across various operating systems (OS). Unless
your program contains system-specific calls, you can run your Python
program across Windows, Mac OS, and Linux without modifying the
program code Mac OS, and Linux without modifying the program code.
All you have to do is to use the Python interpreter that’s appropriate for
your chosen platform.

Python’s portability is largely attributed to its use of an interpreter instead

machine code. However, they do so at different times, and in different
ways. Interpreters convert source code during program runtime, while
compilers convert it before program runtime. Specifically, Python’s source
code is converted into an intermediate form called bytecode, which can be
executed on any platform that has a Python interpreter. In contrast, a
compiler would convert source code into non-portable machine code which
interpreters and compilers convert source code into

could only be executed on a specific platform of a compiler. Both

5. Wide range of use cases

The Python programming language has various use cases in many growing
fields, including:
  • Data science
  • Machine learning
  • Statistics
  • Cyber security
  • Game development
  • Back-end web application development
  • Embedded Applications

6. Improved Productivity

Python is an interpreted language which means that Python directly 
executes the code line by line. In case of any error, it stops further
execution and reports back the error which has occurred.
Python shows only one error even if the program has multiple errors. This
makes debugging easier

Few Pints of Advantages of Python Programming Language

  • Presence of third-party
  • Extensive support libraries (NumPy for numerical calculations,
Pandas for data analytics, etc.
  • Open source and large active community
  • Versatile, Easy to read, learn and write
  • User-friendly data structures 
  • High-level language 
  • Dynamically typed language(No need to mention data type based on
the value assigned, it takes data type) 
  • Object-Oriented and Procedural  Programming language
  • Portable and Interactive
  • Ideal for prototypes – provide more functionality with less coding
  • Highly Efficient(Python’s clean object-oriented design provides
enhanced process control, and the language is equipped with

excellent text processing and integration capabilities, as well as its own unit
testing framework, which makes it more efficient).

  • Internet of Things(IoT) Opportunities
  • Interpreted Language
  • Portable across Operating systems